Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Ten Years Old

My beautiful Eden,
   It seems impossible that you are turning 10 today!  We now have two kids in our family who have reached double digits!  It seems like just yesterday that I held you in my arms for the first time, and now we are celebrating a whole decade with you!  You continue to make everyone's life better with you sweet spirit and kind heart.  Here are some of the things I want to remember about you as you start another decade:

- You are still tall and thin.  You are one of the tallest girls in 4th grade.  You are wearing size 14/16 clothes and size 7 shoes.  It's hard to believe that we will be sharing shoes soon!  Your shoe of choice is flip flops.  I think you would wear them in below freezing temperatures if I would let you!

- You are so smart and are doing great in 4th grade!  You keep saying it's harder than 3rd grade but you continue to make straight A's on your report card.  You love math and going to GT once a week.
- You are getting much better at taking risks and trying new things.  Mrs. Adams has bragged on you several times for volunteering to speak in front of the class this year.  That would never had happened a few years ago!  You are so brave and I am proud of how you come out of your shell when you feel comfortable.

- You are still a picky eater but are getting better about at least taking one bite (or nibble) of new things.  Your favorites haven't changed much this year- you still love beans, cheese, yogurt, and applesauce.  You will eat mandarin oranges and strawberries if I make you but they're not your favorite!

- You are becoming a great piano player!  I don't have to nag you to practice much anymore because you enjoy playing so much. You even volunteered to be in a Jazz Festival last month and earned a Superior rating!

- You still love quiet time in your room while you play with your Shopkins.  You also love to watch My Little Pony movies on the iPad.

- You are such a thoughtful and generous girl!  You are always spending your money on other people and buying things for others just because you know they'll love it.  Unfortunately, this means you never have any money because you're always spending it!

- You still struggle with anxiety and being worried all the time. You are always asking me "What if..." questions and I am constantly reminding you that we aren't going to live in the what-ifs.

-You are starting to help me cook and ask to make the scrambled eggs for breakfast several days a week.

You are an amazing daughter, Eden!  Watching you grow up makes me so proud! I hope this new decade brings you lots of joy and happiness! Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!

I love you to the moon and back, Mom

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