Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Two Months Old

Sweet Lily-

How can you already be two months old? You continue to be such a blessing to our family! Here are some of this months highlights:

- I am not sure how much you weigh but you are growing like a weed. We go Monday for your checkup and it won't surprise me if you weigh around 12 pounds.

-You are wearing 0-3 month clothes in most things and have even worn a few 3-6 month outfits.
-You are about to move into size 1-2 diapers.

-You are still nursing every 2- 2 1/2 hours during the day but have started sleeping longer stretches at night. The most you have slept at night is 7 hours (which mommy loved!) but most nights you average about 5-6 hours at a time.

-You slept in your crib for the first time this week and did great! It was weird to not have you in the room, but I know you need to get used to being in your own bed.

-You smiled for the first time this week, but it took a lot of effort to get you to do it! I am hoping the smiles will start coming a lot more frequently this next month.

-You are still a very easy going baby, except for your fussy time from 8-10 every night.

- You still take a lot of catnaps during the day, but stay awake most of the morning hours. I am anxious to get you on a napping schedule once I go back to work in two weeks.

-You are a great shopper! You have been Christmas shopping with me several times now and have slept the entire time.

I am looking forward to celebrating your first Christmas with you in a few days! You are the best Christmas present I could have asked for this year! I love you very much and can't wait to see how you grow and change this next month!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe that she is already 2 months old! She is precious!I love her red dress.
