Friday, July 1, 2016


The kids just finished their third week of VBS at three different churches. 

The first one they did was at Field Street with Parker's good friend Kaden.  They all had several friends in their classes and they had lots of fun every morning.
Next, Eden and Lily went to the VBS at FUMC (Mr. Reed's church).  Parker had golf camp so he only got to go on Friday.  Lily's leader took a lot of pictures of her small group so she's the only one I have pictures for.  Mr. Reed always does a great job and the kids had a blast!
This week, Parker, Eden, Addison and Aubrey went to Sports Camp at The Heights.  The kids each picked a sport and learned how to play that sport during the week of VBS.  Eden and Aubrey chose soccer, Parker chose flag football, and Addison chose Life Skills (baking, crafts, etc.). 
Tonight, they had an exhibition to show the parents what they had learned.  It was a fun way to end three weeks of VBS!
While the older four kids were at VBS, Lily and Ryan got to do some special things like Sweet Frog.
I'm not sure we will do three weeks of VBS next summer but the kids sure enjoyed it this year! 

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