Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

One day, Emily and I were talking about Halloween and we realized her kids had never done traditional trick-or-treating.  They've always gone to the Trunk or Treat at their church but have never been door to door trick-or-treating in a neighborhood.  I decided to invite both her and Meredith over to trick-or-treat in our neighborhood.  We've had a lot of houses built in the past few years and they all seem to participate in handing out candy on Halloween.  

Meredith had already decided to dress up Holland and the triplets as Crayons for Halloween so we decided to make it a family affair and all dress up like crayons.  The kids each picked their favorite color and we made them matching shirts.  We even got Granna to dress up with us!
The whole crayon box!
We were quite the crew as we started our trick-or-treating around the circle.  Unfortunately, it was very cold and drizzly so Meredith and the triplets only made it a couple of houses before they turned around and headed back inside.
Holland loved getting candy and did a great job saying "Trick or Treat" at each house!
We had one house that opened the door wearing a scary mask and scared Holland to death, but overall our trip around the block was a success!  The cousins said they loved traditional trick-or-treating and that they want to do it again next year.  Hopefully, we can make this an annual cousin tradition!

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