Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Long Day

Anyone who knows Parker knows what a handful he can be.  He is so strong willed, stubborn, and ALL boy.  He literally doesn't stop moving from the time he wakes up until the time his head hits the pillow at night.  Most days, God gives me the energy to keep up with him, but there are some days that my energy and patience run out by lunchtime.  Today was definitely one of those days. 

Tonight at bath time, I completely lost it with him when he got so wound up that he stood up and unknowingly poured a cup of water all over me.  This was after he had lied to Cory, taken Eden/Lily's dolls away from them so many times that I stopped counting, and thrown a screaming fit all the way to the gym this afternoon.  I felt like the WORST mother in the world for the rest of the evening and apologized to him as I was putting him to bed. 

Because the truth is, no matter how angry or upset I get with him, I still love him like crazy.  He is mine and I wouldn't trade him for anything.  In fact, if you lined up every 4 year old boy on the planet and asked me to pick one to be my son, I'd pick him without even thinking about it EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

I'm not sure what God has in store for Parker but I'm sure it is going to be great.  I've heard so many stories from other seasoned parents about how successful their own strong willed children have turned out, and that definitely gives this I'm-at-the-end-of-my-rope, worn out mommy so much hope.  I just have to keep telling myself that God would not have entrusted Parker to me if he didn't think I could handle him... right?!?!?

I know that this difficult stage of motherhood won't last forever (thank goodness!!) and that I'm going to blink my eyes and he will be grown.  I hope that I can look back on these tough days and be proud that all of my parenting/discipline paid off.  But most of all, I hope that I can look back and know that no matter how tough our days were, Parker never questioned how much I love him.    

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