Sunday, April 27, 2014

Seven Years Old

     Seven years ago you joined our family and changed our lives forever.  I am so proud of the young man you are becoming and can't wait to see what this year has in store for you.  Here are a few of the things I want to remember about you as you start your seventh year of life:

- I don't know your current stats but you are one of the tallest boys in your class and weigh about 60 pounds.  I'm anxious to get your exact measurements at your checkup next week.  You are wearing size 7 clothes and size 3 shoes.

- You eat so much food!  I often wonder how your stomach can hold everything you eat!  And I worry about how we are going to afford to feed you when you are a teenager!  You have gotten much better about trying new things and have finally started eating eggs and cereal this year.  Some of your all time favorites include spaghetti, tacos, chips and queso, and all types of fruit (especially apples and raspberries). 

- You are a great reader and love to read!  You are a very fast and fluent reader and have achieved all of your reading goals at school this year.  You love to read before bed and we often have to compromise on how many minutes I will let you read past your bedtime. 

- You are so athletic and love any type of sport.  Your favorite continues to be baseball and you look forward to your games and practices every week. 

- You still love to play video games after you finish your homework and especially love when daddy plays with you. 

- You are so helpful around the house and rarely complain when I ask for help with chores.  You are usually willing to help Eden and Lily when they need help too. 

-You are becoming more and more consistent with using "yes sir", "no sir", "yes ma'am", and "no ma'am" when speaking to adults which makes me so proud.

- You are ALL boy and find humor in anything that deals with bodily functions or potty talk. 

- You love school and have had a great first grade year with Mrs. Brightwell.  You are reading on a 4th/5th grade level and enjoy going to PE.  Some of your friends this year are Cole, Robert, Cullen, Jolea and Alexis.  I miss you while you are at school and look forward to you getting home every afternoon. 

- You are a perfectionist and can be very hard on yourself.  You hate when it takes you more than once to figure something out and often get easily frustrated when learning new things.

- You are a great big brother and always look out for your sisters.  They look up to you so much and I pray that the three of you will always be close.  They are lucky to have you as their big brother!

- Last year, the two goals you had were to learn to ride your bike and tie you shoes.  You can now ride your bike like a pro but unfortunately I have yet to teach you how to tie your shoes.  We will definitely keep that on our list of things to learn this year!

You are an amazing kid, Parker, and I'm so thankful that I am the one who was chosen to be your mom!  You make me proud every day and I hope that you never doubt how much Daddy and I love you!  I can't wait to experience another year with you! 

I love you to the moon and back, Mommy

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