Friday, April 22, 2011

Six Months Old

Lily, you are halfway to your first birthday! I am not sure how that happened since it feels like we just brought you home from the hospital yesterday. What a joy you continue to be! I can't imagine life without you. Here are a few of this months highlights:

-You are growing like a weed. I am so anxious to see how much you weigh at your checkup next week. You are wearing 9 month clothes and size 4 diapers.
-The biggest milestone that you achieved this month is sitting up on your own. This has made life so much better for both of us. You enjoy sitting on the floor and playing with toys while I work around the house. Sitting up also makes it easier for you to watch Parker and Eden as they are playing.
-You discovered you feet this month and play with them all the time. However, due to the size of your thighs, you can not get them in your mouth like Eden used to do!
- You cut your first tooth this month! You were such a champ and didn't cry or fuss at all while it was trying to come through. Your gums are still very swollen and I don't think it will be long before the second tooth pushes through too.

-You are still not rolling over very much, but I know you can do it because you are often laying on your back after sleeping on your tummy during your nap.

-We started cereal again last week and you are doing much better this time around. You are starting to figure out how to open your mouth and swallow. I am looking forward to introducing some vegetables to you this month.
-You are finally starting to enjoy playing in the Exersaucer. The first few times I put you in it, you screamed until I took you out. The past few days, you have played in it for about 10 minutes before the screaming started, which is definitely progress! I hope your enjoyment will increase even more this month.
You are still such an easy going baby and I feel so blessed that I get to be your mommy! What a blessing you are to our family! We love you so much, Lily Claire, and can't wait to watch you grow and change this next month!

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