Sunday, May 22, 2011

Seven Months Old

Another month has quickly come and gone! You are now 7 months old! I am still amazed at what an easy baby you continue to be. You bring us so much joy every day! Here are a few of this months highlights:

-You are still a chunky monkey, but I feel like your growth is slowing down a little bit. You are still in size 4 diapers and have moved into 12 month clothes.
-You now have two teeth on the bottom. Your gums stayed swollen for a couple of weeks and I never thought that your second tooth was ever going to push through, but it finally did last week.
-You are still trying to figure out the eating thing. You always open your mouth so good for the first few bites and then you are done. I have to work really hard to finish a small jar of baby food, and I usually end up giving up after half the jar. So far we have introduced carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, avocados, and green beans. I also let you have a Baby MumMum this week and you liked that a lot! I am planning on introducing fruits this next month.

-You are still sitting up like a pro but have shown no signs of starting to crawl. You are now rolling from your tummy to your back without any trouble.

-You still love your exersaucer and this month have discovered the Johnny Jump Up. You also love to swing outside. Your face lights up with excitement every time we push you in the swing.
-You sleep great at night, but your daytime naps could use some improvement. There are many days that you only sleep 30-45 minutes in the afternoon. It seems like as soon as I put you in your crib, you are already awake and ready to play again!

-You are usually content to hang out in your stroller whenever we go on outings. I guess that is just part of being the third child.
-It is very hard for me to capture it, but you smile all of the time! It is not just a little grin, it is an ear to ear smile that lights up your whole face! I can't get enough of them!

-You have started being very bashful around strangers. You will usually smile at them and then hide your face in my neck until they leave you alone.

You are such a sweet baby and we all love you so much! I can't wait to see what new "tricks" you learn this month!

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