Saturday, May 19, 2012

A Taste of Summer

Summer is only two weeks away...I can almost taste it!  I am getting excited about the thought of sleeping in and not having much on our daily schedule and Cory and the kids are getting excited about swimming!  Parker has already been swimming several times and my mom was brave enough to get in with Eden one afternoon.  It will still be several weeks before I'm ready to take the plunge into the frigid water. 
Today Addison and Aubrey came to play, so we got out the little plastic pool and let them swim in the front yard. 
Lily was in heaven!  I forget that this is her first summer to really enjoy the water with the other kids.  She splashed and slid and laughed and didn't get out for almost an hour and a half. 
It took Eden a while to warm up but once she finally got in, she loved it too!  At one point, she and Aubrey took a break to catch a butterfly.  The poor butterfly's life was unfortunately cut short when Aubrey accidentally stepped on it, but the girls didn't seem to mind.  They were just excited that they were finally able to catch it up once it wasn't able to fly anymore.
Parker and Addison had a great time together today.  They played well together and even gave Granna and me a concert with some of their favorite preschool songs and a puppet show after dinner.
I can't wait for more days like this.  The lazy days of summer are one of the best perks of being a teacher.  Two weeks and counting!

I'll leave you with a recent Parkerism from this week.  One of his classmates taught him to bump elbows while saying "porta potty".  (I have no idea what this means, but five year olds apparently think it is hilarious.)  In true Parker fashion, he doesn't get it exactly right and says "porka potty".  I definitely think Cory and I may start greeting each other this way soon!!!

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