Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Rough Day

Today was a rough day for Miss Lily. She spent most of the day crying and looking like this:
She woke up at 5:30 this morning and the only time she was semi-happy was when I was holding her. The minute I put her down, she would scream bloody murder until I picked her up again. Church was a disaster- they could not calm her down and called me to come and get her 10 minutes into the service.

She did take 2 uncharacteristically long naps today, which makes me think that she still is not feeling 100%. The antibiotic that the doctor gave her last week for her ear infection has completely torn her stomach up. She is having horrible diarrhea and will only eat a few bites at every meal. I finally quit giving her the medicine yesterday after she vomited and am going to call our pediatrician in the morning to see if there is something else they can give her. I also think that she is teething and wonder if that has something to do with her discomfort today. Whatever it is, I sure hated seeing my sweet girl like this.

There was one 15 minute period today where I caught a glimpse of my happy Lily. She had not eaten much all day so I was just trying to get her to eat something. She has recently learned how to drink out of a straw so I gave her a drinkable yogurt. After sitting in my lap to drink the first half, she decided she needed to be more independent. She grabbed the yogurt, crawled to other end of the couch, and proceeded to proudly drink the rest of her yogurt all by herself.

Then, after I grabbed my camera, she became quite the little ham, posing for lots of pictures. I LOVE the way that she was crossing her feet like a big girl!

Her happiness, however, was short lived and she was soon back to fussing and crying. I'm praying that she gets a good night's sleep and wakes up feeling more like herself tomorrow because I don't think either one of us can take another day like today!

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