Friday, March 9, 2012


Best friends + Worst enemies = Frenemies

Parker + Eden = Frenemies

Parker was only 19 months old when Eden was born so he does not remember life without her.  They have such a special relationship- you rarely find one without the other.  85% of the time they are best friends and get along perfectly.  They do have their normal brother/sister moments the other 15% of the time when I have to act as the referee due to the screaming, crying, and just being mean to each other behavior.  I think one of the reasons they are such wonderful friends is that their personalities compliment each other so perfectly.  Parker's strong will/bossy nature is a great balance to Eden's easy going nature. 

For the most part, they are inseparable.  They play together, eat together, watch TV together, chase each other around the house, take baths together, etc.  The one thing they have never done is sleep in the same room together. 

This past Sunday, they were playing in Parker's room before bed and they both started begging me to let Eden sleep in his room.  Since they have never done this before, I didn't want to start on a school night just in case it didn't go well.  I told them that they could have a sleep over in Parker's room on Friday night.  We created a chart so that they would know how many more days were left.  They asked me EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. how many more days were left and could hardly contain themselves when they realized this morning that today was THE day!  They talked about it all day long and at bedtime, they were all smiles!  They hopped right in bed and, surprisingly, the talking/laughing/giggling only lasted a few minutes before they were sound asleep.  I am anxious to see how the rest of the night will go.  They have already told me that tomorrow night they are having another sleepover in Eden's room!

I am so thankful that Parker and Eden are so close.  I love watching their relationship grow and change as they get bigger.  I know that it will not always be perfect, but I hope that Parker will always protect and take care of Eden and that she will always depend on him as a big brother.  As sad as I am about Parker starting kindergarten next year, I think I am actually more sad for Eden.  She is going to be completely lost without him next year.  Thank goodness that she will still have Lily at home with her.

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