Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October Little Things

October was a busy month for our family.  Between birthday celebrations and fall activities, it seemed like we were always on the go.  Here are a few of our October little things:

Lily loves to help Granstan with chores around his house like watering the plants and filling up the bird feeders.
One day, the girls were playing at my mom's house when she called me and said there was a small problem. Eden and Lily were trying to brush their hair and Eden somehow got the brush stuck in her curls.  My mom and I tried everything to get it out and just when we thought we were going to have to cut the brush out, she somehow managed to get it loose.
This was the biggest tangle I think I've ever seen and, in the end, we did have to cut a little bit of her hair out.
Last month, I applied for an educational grant from the Cleburne Education Foundation for some math Learning Palettes for my classroom.  I found out this month that I received the grant and I can't wait for my new manipulatives to come in so I can use them with my students.
During Homecoming Week, we had special dress up days at school.  One day was Scrabble day and students were encouraged to wear shirts with the first letter of their name.  Mrs. Brightwell sent me this picture of Lily and her classmates spelling the word "TALK" with their shirts.
Because Parker is in Student Council, he got to ride on the Homecoming parade float.  Eden, Lily, and I found a good spot to watch the parade and wave to him as he rode by.
October was a busy month and I know November and December aren't going to slow down at all.  Once of these days I'm going to miss this crazy, busy schedule...right?!?!?

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