Monday, September 27, 2010

35 Weeks

As of today, I am 35 weeks pregnant, which means that in 5 weeks (or less) we will be meeting our baby girl! While I am so excited about getting to hold her for the first time and see what she looks like, I have to admit that I am getting really anxious about becoming a mother of 3.

Maybe it is the fact that both kids threw tantrums at Wal-Mart yesterday or that Parker has been exceptionally clingy lately, but thoughts of how I am going to manage all three kids plus keep up with the daily routines of running a household are starting to keep me up at night. I am not sure how all of the laundry will get washed, folded, and put away. I am not sure when I am going to find time to clean the toilets and mop the floors while attempting to spend quality time with each of my children, keep them fed and bathed, and let them know how much I love them in between all of the changes a newborn brings.

I know that the infant stage will not last forever and I pray that I will be able to cherish every minute of it since it will be the last time I will be experiencing it. I pray that I will be able to find joy in the sleepless nights, the late night feedings, and the fussy times in early evening.

I am also praying that Parker and Eden will make a smooth transition as we add another member to our family. I hope that the jealousy they might feel will be minimal and that they will love this new baby as much as her daddy and I already do.

Despite the anxiety that I have been feeling, I am also filled with excitement as we await the arrival of our little miracle. I can't wait to see what she looks like, what her personality will be, and how Parker and Eden will react to her. I know that the next few weeks are going to fly by and it won't be long until our family of 5 will be complete. Until then, I have a nursery to finish decorating, newborn clothes to wash, a car seat that needs to be cleaned and installed, and diapers that need to be bought! I sure hope she doesn't decide to come too early!

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