Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Edenisms and Lilyisms

It's been a long time since I've done a post about the funny things the kids say.  Parker rarely mixes things up but Eden and Lily still make us laugh with their mispronunciations.  Here are a few of the ones I've remembered to write down this year.

-"Mom, she's cheating you!  Don't fall in for it!" (She's kidding you.  Don't fall for it!)
-Karigamocha machine= karaoke machine
-talkie walkie = walkie talkie
-highroad = highway

-One day Eden got in the car after school and was telling Lily about the lockdown drill they were having the next day.  The conversation went something like this:
Lily- "So the policeman is coming tomorrow?"
Eden- "No I think it's a fox."
Me (laughing hysterically)- "No the policeman's name is Officer Fox"
Poor Eden had gone all day thinking that a fox would be roaming the school the next day.  I'm sure she was scared to death!

-Slickery = her way of saying slick and slippery
-Cang = cane (Daddy uses a cang.)
-Light-tricity = electricity (The light-tricity went off at Granna's today)
-Niblet or nibble = nipple (One night after her shower she pointed to a bug bite on her tummy and told me she was growing another nibble!)
-uxausted = exhausted (I'm uxausted!  I need to go to sleep.)
-Scrate lion = straight line
-Ranch = ramp (I'm walking down the ranch)
-Tevice = device (Is it time for Parker to turn off his tevice?)
-Beach bun = beach bum
-Fagita = fajita
-Inside outside = inside out (My shirt is turned inside outside)
-Chee change = keychain
-Box toppers = boxers (Parker wears box toppers to bed)
-One day after she ate too much she exclaimed, "I'm as full as a needle!"
-Magaruffin = ragamuffin
-Fansome = handsome
-Broccamoli = guacamole
-One day she asked me, "Did the bad guys get copped?" (caught by the policeman)
-One day we lit a candle and she exclaimed, "It'll smell better in a jiffick (jiffy)!"
-Beady and the Boost = Beauty and the Beast

One more conversation between Lily and Eden in the car:
Eden- "Does God have powers?"
Lily- "Yes"
Eden- "I want to have powers."
Lily- "Then you have to be Elsa!"

I've collected these funny mixups over the past year and I'm sad to report that they are happening less and less.  For a while, it seemed like Lily was mixing up her words several times a day and now it only happens once every few weeks.  It's going to be a very sad day for me when they stop altogether.  It's just one more way to prove that my babies aren't babies anymore and that they are growing up way too fast!  I'm so glad I have them written down so that I can always remember how sweet and innocent they were at one point in their lives!

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