Saturday, August 1, 2009

Shake Your Oboe

Someone should warn you before you have kids that there is a chance that you could be changing up to 6 poopy diapers a day. I have no idea what I fed these 2 kiddos, but it must have worked! And now, as a result, our diaper pail runneth over!!

Aunt MerMer was in town today and went to dinner with us. At the end of dinner, she taught Parker a fun new song that goes like this:

"Shake shake shake...shake shake shake...shake your bobo!"

Because Parker is still trying to master this tricky thing we call language, this is what he sang:

"Shake shake shake...shake shake shake... shake your oboe!"

Needless to say, we shook our "oboes" all the way home, all during bathtime, all during storytime...thanks Aunt MerMer for teaching him the new song!


And just because she is so darn sweet!

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