Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Programs

Eden and Parker both had Christmas programs the week before Christmas.  Eden's was on Wednesday- her last day of preschool this semester.  I was devastated when I learned that I was not going to be able to attend her program due to an AR field trip in Fort Worth that I couldn't get out of.  Luckily, Aunt Emily stepped in  and took my place so that she would have someone in the audience to support her. 
Instead of exchanging gifts, the students all brought gloves, scarves, and hats to give to needy children in our community.  After listening to a story about giving, the students placed the items under the "Giving Tree" and then sang two songs for the parents. 
Last year Eden spent the entire program sitting on the stage with her head in her lap crying hysterically.  I have been so worried about how she would do this year but I had nothing to worry about... she did great!  She walked right up on stage and sang both songs with her classmates.  I can not describe how proud I was of Eden when Emily texted me to tell me what a great job she had done!  She has come so far this year and gained so much confidence!  It is definitely something to celebrate!   
A HUGE thanks to Aunt Emily for filling in for me that day!
 After the program, Eden enjoyed some Christmas treats with her friends!
 We are so grateful for Miss Amy.  She has been so patient with Eden this year!
Parker and Eden had their Christmas program the Tuesday before Christmas.  Each grade level came up on stage and sang three songs that they had learned in music class.  They both did a great job!

Aubrey had her preschool program on Thursday night.  I didn't get  to go because I had my staff Christmas dinner, but everyone said she did an awesome job!  I will definitely look forward to seeing her at the end of school program in May!

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